Identity Theft Investigations
Identity Theft is now listed as the most commonly reported fraud complaint received by the United States Federal Trade Commission. The misuse of a person's name, date of birth, Social Security number or other identifiers is beneficial to the thief and devastating to the victim. In fact, victims of identity theft are often overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problem and attendant impact it can have on their personal and family welfare.
Investigative Resources International can conduct an Identity Theft Investigation to help you restore control of your privacy and personal information. IRI is able to provide assistance in such cases by undertaking investigation to identify and expose the perpetrator to law enforcement and creditors.
Unfortunately, victims of Identity Theft are required to take a proactive approach to the proper resolution of problems generated by the theft of their identities. Help can be found from a variety of government agencies and financial institutions involved in combatting such crimes.
Identity Theft is a crime and should be reported to law enforcement.